觀察和陪伴你的子女,尤其在她年幼的時候。如果你在家躲藏,她會嘗試跟著;在有倒影的地方做鬼臉,她會發現自己的模樣,繼而與自己做戲;她觀察你的時候,你伸展肢幹,她開始嘗試展開雙臂如打開翅膀,從中感受身體拉扯間的愉悅。在千百種的引導與互動後,她會逐漸發現、組合、開創出自己喜愛的語言 ── 身體、空間、倒影……

在你的子女前釋放自己,展現你的專長、喜好、弱點,一同學習耍樂,有一些事情,她會比你更優秀,屆時,讓子 女指導你,譬如,與她共舞。

Observe and accompany your child, especially when she is young. If you hide away at home, she will try to follow; make faces where there are reflections, she will discover what she looks like and then act with herself; when she observes you, you stretch your limbs and she starts to spread her arms like open wings, feeling the pleasure of pulling and dragging of the body. After hundreds of kinds of guidance and interaction, she will gradually explore, combine and initiate her favourite language, by using body, space, reflection...

Liberate yourself in front of your children by showing your expertise, preferences and weaknesses. Learn and play together. There are some things she will be better at than you. And when the time comes, let your child guide you, for example, dance with her.



