有一天,我如常陪女兒用水彩顏色隨意畫些東西,甚麼都 好,她開心就可以。和我自己工作一樣,我教女兒在開始 前有條理地放好工具,今次我沒有幫忙,她自己放好畫簿、 杯、毛巾、梅花碟,擠顏色在格的中央,兩隻顏色中間留 一格來混色,然後快樂地隨意畫些線條。對她來說,洗筆 的水更吸引,用洗筆水上了淡色和積水後,我叫她用濃的 顏色點在積水上看看破墨的效果和顏色的流動,她又興奮 了一會。之後,她自信地對我說:「爸爸我教你畫畫!」
One day, I accompanied my daughter as usual to paint freely with watercolours; anything is fine, as long as she is happy. Just like working on my own, I taught my daughter to place the tools in an orderly manner before starting. I didn’t help her this time. She put the sketch book, cup, towel and painting palette by herself. She squeezed the paint in the middle of a grid, leaving a grid between the two colours to mix the paints. She then happily drew some lines at will. To her, the brush-washing water was more attractive. She used the brush-washing water for lighter colours and water drops. I asked her to use thick colour dots on the water drops to see the Haboku (splashing) effect and the flow of colours. She was excited for a while. After that, she confidently said to me, ‘Dad, I teach you to paint!’



