今年疫情期間,我經常在家網上教學和處理校務。女兒 Z 很喜歡跟我一起做手工,她見我在家,便嚷著要我跟她玩。 有次,在開始網上教學前,只有十五分鐘,我在專心準備, Z 突然在我身旁出現,像示威者那樣舉著一張寫滿「訴求」 的紙。我那刻非常受感動,因為她用了一個安靜但強而有 力的方式,去直接表達自己的意願。結果,我們玩泥膠玩 了十五分鐘。她成功爭取了。
During the pandemic this year, I often taught online and handled school affairs at home. My daughter Z likes to make crafts with me a lot. Whenever she sees me at home, she clamoured for me to play with her. Once, I had only fifteen minutes to prepare before I started teaching online. Z suddenly appeared beside me, holding a piece of paper full of ‘appeals’ like a protestor. I was very moved that moment because she used a quiet but powerful way to directly express her wishes. As a result, we played with modelling clay for fifteen minutes. She successfully fought for what she was after.



